3 Communication Strategies Leaders Should Use in Times of Adversity

business owners communication strategies leadership richard martinez - business coach small business owners Apr 29, 2021
3 Communication Strategies Leaders Should Use in Times of Adversity - Richard Martinez

 Why do leaders need to be effective communicators? 

Communication is the key to leadership success. When difficult times happen in life, a lot of people are surprised to discover just how easy it is to get tongue-tied. This is especially true for people in positions of leadership, because all of a sudden, leaders are supposed to have all the answers, no matter what.  

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Some managers rise to the occasion in times of distress, and they shine effortlessly with poise and charm. However, the overwhelming majority of people in leadership struggle to express themselves in a way that wins trust, captures attention, or encourages appreciation from an audience.


Choosing the wrong words in a crisis can alienate the people who depend on you. On the other hand, choosing the right words can motivate and inspire your listeners. Let’s explore the top 3 communication strategies leaders should use during stressful times:

1) Keep Things Simple

It is an important aspect of effective communication of good leadership. Whenever a crisis is fresh, nobody has the time or patience to deal with complicated language or elaborate expression. Chances are, everyone’s overwhelmed by distractions and bombarded with all kinds of information. If you’re trying to connect with people during hard times, express yourself directly and succinctly. Concentrate on getting your core message across using simple words and straightforward language.

2)Tell Stories

Every single one of the greatest leaders of all time was a storyteller. They found a way to connect with people using analogies instead of lectures. This is the most effective way to endear yourself to an audience and incentivize them to embrace your ideas.  

On a psychological level, people respond to stories a lot more readily than they do to raw information. As long as you can attach your message to some form of a narrative, you have a better chance of connecting.

3) Identify with the Crisis 

Nothing is more off-putting to people than a leader who is out of touch with reality. When responding to a crisis, one of the most important things you can do to engender loyalty in others is to demonstrate that you are as affected by the crisis as everyone is. Make it known that the situation is as personal to you, as it is to the next person. This creates a climate in which everyone has a shared experience to confront and overcome in unison.


If you’re trying to communicate as a leader in the heat of a crisis, it’s important to remember that the ability to communicate revolves around your message. Peel away everything that could interfere with your capacity to convey a specific message, and concentrate on connecting with the people who happen to be listening to you. Heighten your sympathetic instincts so that you can avoid putting your foot in your mouth, and do everything in your power to be a relatable human being. People search for strength in times of tragedy. They need stability and reassurance that they can survive the storm. As long as you can communicate in a way that fosters these kinds of emotions in your listeners, you will reduce your chances of being at a loss for words. For leadership training by Richard Martinez, call at 626-202-2291 or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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