3 Obscure Clues That Let You Know You’re Planning Well for Retirement

finances personal development retirement Jan 27, 2022
3 Clues That Let You Know You’re Planning Well for Retirement

Everybody knows that preparing for retirement is a big part of financial freedom. Specifically, because a comfortable retirement is the end goal of professional ambition. But how can you actually tell whether or not you’re doing the right thing retirement-wise? After all, it takes a long time to save enough money to retire.


The Journey to Retirement Begins with One Step:

Financial Advisor Shivani Chaluvadi explains, “Retirement planning is an essential part of financial planning. Planning for retirement not only ensures a sustainable source of income, but also helps in dealing with medical emergencies, fulfills personal aspirations, and creates financial independence.” Here are a few signs and signals that a retirement plan is headed in the right direction:


1.  You’ve Gone to the Trouble of Doing the Research:

The first and most important step towards planning for retirement is number-crunching. Actually contemplating and reading about retirement shows that you’re thinking about the future in a mature way. Use this inspiration to do more and more as time goes by.


2.  You’ve Made it Through a Major Crisis Without Going Bankrupt:

Not many people realize this, but making it through a recession without going bankrupt is a big deal. It’s a sign of financial strength and resilience. Surviving tough economic times illustrates you have what it takes to plan well for crises and retirement.


3.  Saving Money is an Automatic Part of Your Financial Instincts:

The act of saving money is not a natural impulse. Because the first reaction people have with income is to spend and splurge. If you have the presence of mind to constantly allocate funds towards emergency savings, that habit will serve you well on the road to retirement.



Getting ready for retirement is a game of momentum. It all boils down to making one good decision after another while keeping your eye on the prize. In the short term, it’s difficult to tell whether or not progress is being made. But after a while, taking a bird’s eye view will shed light on the difference that saving makes. If you like what you just read from our blog, you’ll love the various informative courses, workshops, and events listed on our websites and social media. Whether you’re interested in personal development, health and wellness, bettering your relationships, or the overall improvement of your business, give us a call at 1 (800) 913-0222 to find out how Richard Martinez can help you break past your daily struggles and start soaring in success.

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