How To Stay Focused And Dedicated To The Outcome Of A Task

Dec 05, 2022


How do you stay focused on a task you've committed to? How do you maintain your motivation when all you want to do is give up? If these are questions that keep popping up for you, good news: There are many ways to train yourself to be more dedicated and motivated. Here are my favorite strategies for staying on track -- and getting excited about the outcome!

Figure out why you're doing it in the first place.

To stay focused and dedicated to the outcome of a task, you should figure out why you're doing it in the first place.

What is the purpose of this task?

What are your goals? What will you accomplish if I achieve them? How will I feel when they happen? What does my plan look like? Be specific. When do I start and stop working on this project/task/project so I can get started immediately? Where do I work best (e.g., home office, coffee shop)?

Imagine what it will be like when you've accomplished your goal or finished your task.

Imagine what it will be like when you've accomplished your goal or finished your task.

What will the result look like?

How does it feel to accomplish that goal?

What are the emotions associated with completing your task?

Make a plan for each day and each step along the way.

Next, make a plan for the day. What will you do? Where will you go? How will you get there? Who will be there with me? It’s important not to skip this step because it ensures that we stay on task and avoid distractions that might derail our plans.

Next, make a plan for the week, month, or year. These longer-term plans ensure we have plenty of opportunities to enjoy success along the way and give us something to look forward to! This can take some pressure off if we feel overwhelmed by our goals and allow us to celebrate when we reach them!

Finally, consider what needs doing next regarding small steps required towards achieving bigger tasks on which these smaller steps are dependent for completion (e.g., “I need the education to earn enough money so I can raise healthy children someday," etc.). It's important not only to work towards completing individual steps but also remind ourselves how much joy comes from reaching those milestones along life's journey."

Embrace discomfort and obstacles along the way.

The feeling of discouragement or frustration is normal. It's part of the process. You're not alone in these emotions, and you shouldn't be ashamed to feel them.

Letting go of your expectations and embracing discomfort will help you stay focused on what's important—the outcome. And remember: if you're not feeling motivated right now, that's okay! Try something different (a new environment or activity) until you find something that works for you.

Find ways to ensure you don't give up when the going gets tough.

Don't give up:

It's important to remember that when you feel like giving up, you've probably just hit a wall or plateau. This is a natural part of the process and means that your brain is trying to tell you something. It's also worth remembering that walking away from a task is sometimes okay. If you're not progressing after an hour or so of working on it, take a break and come back with fresh eyes later. But if it continues for days on end, then try another approach, such as delegating tasks off your plate or asking for help from someone else who can provide alternative perspectives on how best to tackle the issue at hand.

Stick with it:

Going through difficulty does not mean giving up! Instead of focusing solely on overcoming obstacles and setbacks during these times, think about what motivates you in general. What do I get out of completing this project? What is my goal exactly? How will my life improve once I reach this goal (not just now but long term)? Having positive answers ready-to-hand when times become tough will help keep them going forward towards their goals instead of giving into despair over their current situation."

Break tasks into smaller chunks that are easier to complete on their own.

  • Break tasks into smaller chunks.
  • Make sure each chunk is achievable.
  • Do one chunk at a time, and don't worry about the rest of the task until you have completed it.

Add some whimsy and playfulness from time to time to keep yourself engaged in the process.

Playfulness is a great way to stay engaged in achieving your goals. It's not just for children but an essential part of every adult's life. You can add some fun to your day with a game or hobby or even embark on a project that will serve as both an escape from reality and something useful for yourself or others.

Whimsy is like playfulness on steroids! It doesn't have to be anything major—just something small that brings you joy when you do it (or even think about doing it).

You can train yourself to feel motivated and dedicated, even if these are not natural feelings for you.

You can train yourself to feel motivated and dedicated, even if these are not natural feelings for you. The same techniques will help you get through any task, whether a job application or buying plane tickets for a trip with your best friend.

  • Figure out why you're doing it in the first place
  • -you may want to revisit or rephrase your goal
  • -imagine what it will be like when you've accomplished your goal
  • -make a plan for each day and each step along the way
  • Embrace discomfort (if necessary).


The end result of all the research we’ve done is that you can train yourself to feel motivated and dedicated, even if these are not natural feelings for you. It may take some time, but investing in yourself and your goals is worth it. If you commit to the process of becoming more focused and dedicated, then eventually, you'll reach the goal of being able to stay on task with any project or task at hand.

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